From Average to Savage- NEW BOOK!

Daniel Joseph, owner of Savage Exteriors and Savage Grind Apparel is putting out a new book based on his lessons on how to achieve success. His incredible background, from his youth in a gang to starting a million-dollar business, is outlined to show how anyone can make it happen.
The day that his brother-in-law was killed was the day his life changed forever. Immediately, he realized that life was too short to be doing something that you don't find enjoyable. If you are not proud of your life, how can you change other people's lives in the process?
Seeing his brother-in-law placed in coffin was the day that he felt the nail drive into his own coffin (for the life he had been living up until that point).
He left his job and never looked back.
This book will add one more level to his brand. As a true inspiration to kids in his old neighborhood, Daniel plans to visit schools and events for the sole purpose of showing others just how important it is to never let the dream die.
From tragedy too triumph, FROM AVERAGE TO SAVAGE is sure to wake you up inside.
Do you want a free copy when it hits the Amazon shelves next month?
It's time to unleash the beast within.