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(Not) Alone: A Guest Blog By Aleks Dorohin

Recently, I met a talented writer from Belgium named Aleks Dorohin. He just started a blog titled KSPersonal in December. Below is one of his newest posts and I am floored by his perspective at such a young age. Hope you like it!

First of all, happy children’s day to all young and already grown-up kids. I want to wish you a lot of fun, a lot of smiles and everything positive. Since it is international children’s day today, I want to talk a bit about our childhoods, to bring up some memories.

This is not from the usual things I write, it is more or less to recall good old times when we did whatever we wanted and explored the world and try to see what could be useful even today. It was fun I admit. Running around the neighbourhood, spending all your time with someone who you just met, terrorizing the adults and doing stuff you were not supposed to do and getting away with it.

Do you remember that one kid that was always apart from everyone, but then in high school got surrounded by people of their choice? Yes, I do too. We should all try to be that kid. What I mean is that in the beginning it is you who should start doing whatever is on your mind, because there is no one that will do it for you, not in your first days. Once you figure out what do you like to do and see if that is the thing that comes natural to you – go do it without any excuses.

Sooner or later people will recognize the effort you are putting in and with few words you will be able to convince people to help you towards your goal. Back to the example with that kid from the playground, let’s call him Sam. So as a kid Sam is always alone, never talking a lot with the other kids, but once he gets in high school, he will start playing basketball, for example, for the school’s team and everyone will start praising him or at least recognize his talent and his determination to succeed. Determination attracts. When someone is putting in the work and doing everything in his power to become slightly better with each day, they start attracting people with similar mindset and if those people find common interests, they can do something huge. Here’s the punchline: start alone, but look for people to help you. It is all on you to begin walking on the road towards your dreams and goals, but you cannot reach them if you are alone, not even if you are Mark fucking Zuckerberg.

You will always need people beside you, because there are going to be things, that might be hard for you, but are easy to do for another person. Find the people with similar mindset, see if you have common interests and if yes – team up and go for that common interest, because it will help you reach your own dream, but remember one thing – it is you who should start doing, do not wait for someone to do it for you and then you to be a beneficiary of it, because life does not work like this.

I want to finish this article by wishing you all the best and just give you one more piece of advice – keep the child alive inside you, because the childish intuition and ideas are usually better than the ones you worry about day and night. Have a great day!

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