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Star Power with Hank Norman

hank norman star power

Everything comes back to marketing. Everything.

A book, that we can help you get to market in 30 days, is a tool to help you use your story as your advantage. More so, it will help you establish relationships in ways that you never thought were possible.

A book is the start. It's never the end.

What you will need once the book is done is a way to get it out to the masses constantly, everyday, and on all platforms.

How do you do that? Simple - On Video.

People want to connect, learn, and trust you. Since they are most-likely in a different state, part of the country, or part of the world, you will have to use social media to get them to see you. Especially video marketing. And there is no one better to teach you how to use video marketing than HANK NORMAN - the guy who helped Grant Cardone become famous.

For that reason, it brings me great honor to be an affiliate of him starting in 2018. We will be offering his services at a discount to all the DreamStarters that get their book done through us.

2018 is going to be an amazing ride for us...and I HOPE IT IS FOR YOU TOO.

If you want to get that book finally off your list in 2018, call me at 412-496-9448.

If you want to break that shyness on camera so the world can fall in love with you, check out Hank Norman's Star Power today.

Also Available in 2018

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