what you are born to do

On August 10th, 1984, I was born at Mcgee Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing 7lbs,11ounces. I have no idea why I felt compelled to tell you my weight just now (and it still perplexes me to this day as to why everyone is intrigued by kids' weight when they are born), but bear with me, this story gets better.
My name was going to be Richard until my grandfather convinced my mom to name me Michael. So, my mom made my middle name Richard to compromise, which in my opinion, was a very wise decision (Thanks Grandpap).
Ever since I was a kid, I wanted adventure and excitement. I loved hiking into the woods, wandering into scary places, and seeing how far I could test my courage. I have no idea how it happened, but I fell in love with motorcycles. I even had a battery powered trike (that I assumed was acquired from a flea market) at the age of 3.
Every bone in my body screamed "Mike, you are born to ride".
Isn't it strange how you can fall in love with something at such a young age and it stays with you forever? And it's just plain wrong to ignore what you are born to do, right?
I think there are many things I was born to do: I was born to create. I was born to build. And I was born to write. Of course, these actions take a little more time to realize, to master, and to understand than getting on two wheels and learning how to balance. Riding on two wheels didn't come naturally either. My dad had to teach me on my first bicycle in 1990. Even after I fell a hundred times, rode into fences, hit parked cars, and crashed into the mailbox, I still got back on the bike to ride. Why? Because I loved it. Because I was born to ride.
Creating, building, and writing are no different. I have fallen and failed many times at those. But, I know they are what I am destined to do in this world.
Yesterday, I turned 33 years old. Every year on my birthday, I write a note to myself to be read the following year. That way, I can look back and see if I disappointed the younger version of me or not.
For the first time ever, I will share that note with you -
This year is your year. According to astrology, 2017 is the year of the LEO. Make sure you stay on the path you are on because everything is falling into place. Even though your success is reliant on working nonstop, make sure you spend more time with your friends and family. Slow your speech, get rid of your transition words, and practice public speaking as much as you can. You will need it more and more.
There are going to be some amazing people you meet in this upcoming year. And there will be people who will try to discourage you. Pay attention to them both for they will all help make you who you need to become.
This year will mark the 10 year anniversary as to when you started your first business. Make me proud and do what you are born to do. And for God's sake, learn to dance.
Give Palzy a kiss for me.
What are you born to do?
Would your younger self be proud of you or not?
Mike Fallat helps entrepreneurs write and publish bestselling books. Then, teaches them how to use it as the ultimate marketing tool.